Compound Sources Search
Lists all the sources where a particular compound can be found. A compound can be searched by a given InChI, InChI Key, source compound ID or a UniChEM Identifier (UCI)
The image representation in the Searched Compound card is an approximated depiction of the found molecule. It might not represent exactly the found compound. For a better image of the compound please follow the link to one of the found sources.
InChI and InChIKey
Find the sources linked to the IUPAC international chemical identifier for your compound or its hashed InChI form.
Source Compound ID
Compounds can be found by the ID assigned on a source database, simply select the Source of the compound and in the box right next to the selector enter the ID for that particular compound in the given Source.
UniChEM Identifier (UCI)
The UCI (UniChEM Identifier) is the number we use to identify a distinct compound with its linked sources in our database.
Compound Name
Certain sources uses drug names to identify a compound allowing searches using names for some compounds.
Results will be fetch from matching Compound IDs on the following sources:
Gene Expression Atlas
Clinical Trials
Last updated
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