Query assistant

How to use the Query assistant to query SureChEMBL

Start by switching on the Query assistant by using the toggle button. It opens the Query assistant.

The Query assistant works by adding up conditions. A condition is a pair Field-Value. Conditions are connected to each other using a logical operator (AND, OR, NOT).

For the Field, open the drop drown field and select the field name. All the field names are defined here. In the value field, enter the value you want the query to match. For instance, if you are after all the patents that mention "therapeutic" in their title, select the field name 'Title' and enter 'therapeutic' in the value field. Your query is automatically written down in the unique search field.

For being more specific, you can add conditions to your query. Click on 'ADD CONDITION' and it will add a new pair Field-Value. Note that by default, the system connect the conditions with a 'AND' operator. You can change that for 'OR' or 'NOT'.

To continue with our example, let's say you want to retrieve all the patents that mention "Therapeutic" in their title, and "cancer" in their claims, but not "kidney" in those same claims. In the second condition select 'Claims' and enter 'cancer'. Add a new condition, select 'Claims' and enter 'kidney but this time, change the logical operator between the second and third condition and select 'NOT'.

The query is written down in the search field and you can click on 'SEARCH' to run it.

At any point, you can alternate between the Query assistant and the search field to modify the query. To remove a condition you can use the 'REMOVE LAST CONDITION' button to remove the last condition inserted, or the 'REMOVE CONDITION' button to remove any condition.

The Query assistant can be used in combination with the other predefined filters (except the Structure search for now). For instance, you can add a date range and restrict the search to only the biologically relevant patents.

Last updated