Patent view

Document view

When opening a patent, the document displays. In this view are shown the patent title with the patent number and the publication date. Below are shown the abstract, the claims and the description of the document.

On the left hand side, the navigation panel can be opened and it allows to jump directly to a given document section, and also to download the document annotations.

For each section, a drop-down menu allows to change the text language of the given section when the text is available in multiple languages.


The patent text is annotated with both Chemistry and Biomedical annotations. Above the document, clicking on the annotations tab displays the lists of all the annotations found in each document section.


Above the document, clicking on the bibliographic tab displays the bibliographic information of the patent.


Above the document, clicking on the PDF tab shows the patent PDF. Clicking on Download offers to download the PDF on the user's machine.

Last updated