Solr query field names and examples

List of Solr query field names that you can use to write complex queries and/or to restrict a search to some specific patent section

Note: For Solr to locate the phrase or term in the patent text exactly as it is written in the query, the phrase must be surrounded by double quotes.

Solr Field Name
Indexed Data Example
Example SureChEMBL Query

pn pnctry pnnum pnkind

publication number

country number kind code

"EP-3511327-B1 EP3511327B1" EP 0555555 B1

pn:"EP-3511327-B1" pn:"EP3511327B1" pn:"EP-3511327" pn:"EP3511327" pn:3511327 pn:3511327* pnctry:EP pnnum:055* pnkind:B1

pd pdyear

publication date publication year

20120103 2012

pd:20120103 pd:[20120103 TO 20120315] pdyear:2012

an anctry annum ankind

application number country number kind code

EP06009700A EP9704058W EP 06009700 A

an:"EP06009700A" an:"ep06009700" an:9704058* anctry:ep annum:06009* ankind:A

ad adyear

application date application year

20061213 2006

ad:20061213 ad:[20050501 TO 20070407] adyear:2006

pri prictry prinum prikind pridate

priority(ies) country number kind code priority date

DE19958719A 19991206 EP0008926W 20000913


19958719 A


pri:“DE19958719A 19991206” pri:”EP0008926W 20000913”

prictry:de prinum:199587* prikind:A pridate:19991206

pridate prid pridyear

all priority dates earliest priority date earliest priority year

20000913 19990914 1999

pridate:20000913 pridate:[20010101 TO 20021231] prid:19990914 pridyear:1999


designated states


ds:(DE OR GB OR FR) ds:FR

pctpn pctpnctry pctpnnum pctpnkind

PCT publication number country number kind code


WO 2006098969 A2

pctpn:"WO2006098969A2" pctpn:"WO2006098969" pctpn:"WO-2006098969-A2" pctpn:"WO-2006098969" pctpn:2006098969 pctpnctry:WO pctpnnum:20060989 pctpnkind:A2

pctpd pctpdyear

PCT publication date PCT publication year

20060921 2006

pctpd:20060921 pctpdyear:2006

pctan pctanctry pctannum pctankind

PCT application number country number kind code


US 2006008177 W

pctan:"US2006008177W" pctan:"US2006008177" pctan:2006008177 pctanctry:US pctannum:2006008* pctankind:W

pctad pctadyear

PCT application date PCT application year

20060308 2006

pctad:20060308 pctadyear:2006

relan relannum relanctry

related application number number country

Division of application No. 12/159,232 US15923208 15923208 US

relan:US15923208 relannum:15923208 relanctry:US

relad reladyear

related application date related application year

Jun 26, 2008 2008

relad:20080626 reladyear:2008



C CO8 C08K C08K0005 C08K00053417

ic:C ic:C08K ic:c08K0005 ic:C08k00053417



C C07 C07D C07D0471 C07D047104 A A61 A61B A61B0005 A61B000514532

cpc:C07D cpc:c07d0471 cpc:c07d047104 cpc:A61B0005 cpc:a61b000514532

ecla ecla_ec ecla_ico


C07D487/10 H01G9/20D2 M01P4/50

ecla:C07D487/10 ecla_ec:H01g9/20D2 OR h01L51/42D2B ecla_ico:M01P4/50


US class

029 029004 02900451

uc:029 uc:029004 uc:02900451 uc:(473251 OR 473224) uc:(257E27 OR 257E47)



schmidt hans-werner thelakkat mukundan MUNROE STEVEN JAY

inv:("schmidt hans" AND thelakkat) inv:(munroe steven jay) inv:"munroe jay"~2

apl aplstd aplname

applicant standardized applicant name applicant name as filed

Sony International (Europe) GmbH SONY INT EUROP GMBH SONY INT EUROP GMBH Sony International (Europe) GmbH

apl:sony apl:(sony int*) apl:”sony int europ gmbh” aplname:(sony international)





pa apl or asg

assignee(s) or applicant(s)

see apl and asg above

pa:sony pa:(sony OR samsung)



Dr Roger Brooks Anthony P. Venturino+ (1300 I STREET, NW SUITE 1000 WEST TOWER NOVAK DRUCE + QUIGG, LLP WASHINGTON, DC 20005) Novak Druce + Quigg, LLP+ (1300 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1000, Suite 1000, West Tower Washington

cor: “Dr Roger Brooks” cor:(Novak Druce Quigg Washington)



Pohlman, Sandra M

agt:”Pohlman, Sandra M” agt:(Sandra Pohlman)


patent citations

EP0748154B1 FR2643213A1

pcit:EP0748154B1 pcit:(EP0748154B1 OR FR2643213A1)


non-patent citations

TANG C W: ”Two-layer organic photovoltaic cell” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 13 JAN. 1986, USA, vol. 48, no.2, pages 183-185, XP002165026 ISSN: 003-6951

ncit:(tang AND ”Two-layer organic photovoltaic cell”)

ttl ttl_en ttl_de ttl_fr

title in English, French and German English title German title French title

Sonnenenergiesystem Solar energy system Système d’énergie solaire solar energy system Sonnenenergiesystem Système d’énergie solaire

ttl:(”solar energy” OR “énergie solaire” OR Sonnen*) ttl_en:”solar energy” ttl_de:sonnenergie* ttl_fr:”énergie solaire”

ab ab_en ab_de ab_fr

abstract in English, French and German English abstract German abstract French abstract

A composition comprising lipid and surfactant, characterised in that the surfactant has an HLB number of less than 20 and in that the lipid and surfactant are in the form of macromolecular assemblies … Ein Werkzeug nach der Erfindung zum Abisolieren eines Leiters enthält ein Griffelement (1), ein stangenförmiges und griffelementseitig gelagertes Messerstück (13), das eine klingenförmige Spitze (23) aufweist, die im Abstand um eine Drehachse (17)… La présente invention concerne des compositions de soins personnels pour un aspect amélioré de la peau, particulièrement pour les consommateurs à la peau noire…

ab_en:(HLB AND (lipid OR surfactant)) ab_de:(Griffelement Messerstück) ab_fr:”compositions de soins personnels”

desc desc_en desc_de desc_fr

description in English, French and German English description German description French description

Example of storage media that can be used for supplying the program are a floppy disk, a hard disk, an optical disk, a magneto-optical disk, a CD-ROM, a CD-R, a CD-RW, a magnetic tape, a non-volatile type memory card, a ROM, and a DVD (DVD-ROM and a DVD-R)…. Ein Werkzeug nach der Erfindung zum Abisolieren eines Leiters enthält ein Griffelement (1), ein stangenförmiges und griffelementseitig gelagertes Messerstück (13), das eine klingenförmige Spitze (23) aufweist, die im Abstand um eine Drehachse (17)… DOMAINE TECHNIQUE La présente invention se rapporte à un procédé de revêtement d'une surface d'un substrat par des nanoparticules, à un revêtement nanostructuré susceptible d'être obtenu par ce procédé, ainsi qu'à un dispositif de mise en oeuvre du procédé de l'invention….

desc_en:(“storage media” AND (CD* OR tape OR ”memory card”)) desc_de:”Werkzeug zum Abisolieren eines Leiters” desc_fr:(”revêtement nanostructuré”~2 AND particul*)

clm clm_en clm_de clm_fr

claims in English, French and German English claims German claims French claims

Tool according to Claim 1, characterised in that the supporting body (12) is a cylinder whose cylinder axis forms the rotation axis (17)…. Werkzeug nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Trägerkörper (12) ein Zylinder ist, dessen Zylinderachse die Drehachse (17) bildet…. Outil selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que le corps support (12) est un cylindre dont l'axe longitudinale constitue l'axe de rotation (17)….

clm_en:(axis (cylinder OR rotation)) clm_de:(Trägerkörper Zylinder Drehachse) clm_fr:(cylindre axe longitudinale rotation)


publication language


pnlang:(NO OR FI OR SV)

Last updated